Register for Grow with Google Scholarships now!
Youthful Impact’s entrepreneurial-mindset platform builds life and work skills. Many of our participants are youth who are 14 to 24 and disengaged or disconnected from school. The Youthful Impact program enables youth to recognize opportunities, take bold initiatives, and thrive in situations that are often unpredictable and at times confusing, and possibly violent.
In our program, youth develop a go-getter attitude as well as life skills such as time management and mental toughness. They access many opportunities to build and practice their digital workplace skills. These are all the steps necessary to confidently take entrepreneurial ideas to the next level. And these are the ideal potential employees to help organizations succeed.
We are excited to be able to offer full scholarships for the following areas for a limited time.
So get ahead now and register for the summer program. Please apply now!
We are excited to provide the opportunity for young adults to gain digital and career skills while developing professionalism and a work ethic that supports their start-ups and or readiness for high-paying jobs.
To learn more, you may also visit the Youthful Impact Career Readiness Center at the Capital Region BOCEs Campus at 20 Warren Street, Albany, NY 12202.
Contact info:
Dr. Khaitsa Wasiyo, coach@youthfulimpact.org, +01 518 504 6555